Do Your Research
Posted on June 20, 2003 at 08:18:34 PM by John Cones

Mitchell and George:

There you have it! The two of you just want to complain without really knowing exactly what you are complaining about. If you had done your research you would know that I devoted an entire chapter on explaining why I did not make the accusation that a conspiracy was involved and why a conspiracy was irrelevant to my other conclusions about Hollywood. But, you still make the false accusation that I've somehow suggested a conspiracy. In addition, you do not seem to be aware that I wrote an entire book exploring various possible remedies to the problems my research disclosed about Hollywood, but you want me to take the time to restate that lengthy discussion on this forum. You are wasting my time.

John Cones





Re(1): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 21, 2003 at 01:21:22 AM by George Shelps

Mitchell and George:

There you have it! The two of you just want to complain without really knowing exactly what you are complaining about. If you had done your research you would know that I devoted an entire chapter on explaining why I did not make the accusation that a conspiracy was involved and why a conspiracy was irrelevant to my other conclusions about Hollywood. But, you still make the false accusation that I've somehow suggested a conspiracy.

___No, I don't believe it's a conspiracy. You're using a straw man
to represent me.

No one doubts that the many like-minded
business executives share the characteristics you've outlined. What
we doubt is (a) that it is a "control
group" and (b) that it is automatically

In addition, you do not seem to be aware that I wrote an entire book exploring various possible remedies to the problems my research disclosed about Hollywood, but you want me to take the time to restate that lengthy discussion on this forum. You are wasting my time.

___I've read much of your book. There's a lot of faulty research in it, especially in the area of the history
of the film business---about which
I am quite knowledgeable.

But not to waste your precious time,
please state just one remedy for changing the make-up of the "control
group" and please answer Mitchell's
question, namely, give us the name of
someone of proven ability who was
denied entry into the movie business
because he didn't fit into the
"control group" paradigm of values.





Re(2): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 21, 2003 at 09:41:22 AM by MG

By definition, anyone who challenges the Jewish Hollywood elite is subject to blackballing. Anyone who claims about discrimination has zero chance against the Jewish Lobby in Hollywood.

The Jewish censorial lobby -- from the Anti-Defamation League to any Jewish-led studio -- is militant in patrolling its territorial borders.

Judeocentrism is total. The Jewish Lobby has long-since created a situation where discrimination against Jews is the SIN of the CENTURY. And they have succeeded in reshaping discrimination against them into its opposite: a Jewish bastion of power. A good example is the history of Harvard University. Look it up Harvard's history, and the status of Jews there now.

The model for opening up Harvard to Jews is a reasonable model for opening up Hollywood to everyone else.

But Jewry defines (and enforces) criticism of Jewish as chauvinism, elitism, racism, self-obsession, and ethnocentrism as "bigotry." This is the genius of the Jewish scam, and why Jews continue to rule Hollywood and so much else.

Those who dare to complain are forced into a defensive position. Cones and Jaeger are text-book cases. Nothing they say about Jewish Hollywood is unreasonable or wrong. But to state the Truth is grounds for the Jewish Inquisition, wherein no one dare speak about the true corridors of Hollywood power.

Look at this very message board. I dare to challenge Jewish power and assholes like Levine seek to track me down, hoping to create persecution and harassment. This is the Jewish model. It has always been true in Hollywood and our own resident Hollywood Jew, Mitchell Levine, falls into the Thought Police tactics that EXEMPLIFY this. The only difference is that such Orwellian stormtrooper blackballing is usually secret, behind closed doors. I succeed in bringing it out in the open: exposing Levine for the little "Nazi" that he truly is.

Lackies like Shelps angle in to cop some of the Jewish cream, at the expense of all others. He is the worst sort of whore, one who is infected with a serious intellectual syphillis and aims to contaminate all others.

Shelps only looks at the money bottom line. By that token, his Jewish Butt kissing is good business policy.

Pure and simple. He doesn't give a rat's ass about justice or democracy. He's obsessed with "good business policy," and the ESSENCE of this is to kiss Jewish Butt, and then kiss it again.







Re(3): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 21, 2003 at 10:31:11 AM by Mitchell Levine


No one wants to track you down: eveyone wants to stay away from you! Why would site readers be any different than women and children?

If what Cones and Jaeger have to say about Hollywood is true, then they should be able to prove it with logical arguments and defend those arguments against equally logical objections. When you can do that, then you can say you possess a truth. (Truth with a capital 'T' is theological in nature, and can be presumably only be possessed by God. Very emblematic of you that you would present your bigoted opinions this way). Ask them to do that, however, and they scream bloody murder. That's not what people with truth on their side do.

Harvard University is a private institution that must admit students on an Equal Opportunity basis. No one, however, has to let their business be run by anyone but whom they feel is most qualified to do so successfully. By what logic could anyone ever be forced to hire a person of inferior qualifications to RUN and OWN their businesses? Studios hire minorities at the same rates as every other business. The two situations are not even remotely parallel, but you simply don't have the intellectual ability to tell the difference.

The Anti-Defamation League and the rest SHOULD fight against discrimination against Jews, which IS a great sin of the 20th Century. If the studios have provably discriminated against anyone then they should be held accountable too. Unfortunately for your argument, it hasn't been proved - and Jaeger and Cones are clearly up in arms that anyone would ever ask them to prove it.

Mr. Shelps has gone on record that his opposition to you is moral, religious, and intellectual. He definitely does care about both justice and democracy, the problem is that you don't understand the definitions of the words. Your idea of "democracy" is mob rule, and your idea of "justice" is
mob violence.









Re(4): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 21, 2003 at 11:13:06 AM by Moishe the Goyim

YOU SAY: No one wants to track you down: eveyone wants to stay away from you! Why would site readers be any different than women and children?

RESPONSE: Posting addresses and phone numbers is a call to incitement. As you know. You are a bigot, a true "hater," a censorial kook, and a thug.

YOU SAY: If what Cones and Jaeger have to say about Hollywood is true, then they should be able to prove it with logical arguments and defend those arguments against equally logical objections.

RESPONSE: YOU don't have any "logical" objections. Their points are demonstrable as facts. Your essence is bitch, moan, and try to intimidate.

YOU SAY: When you can do that, then you can say you possess a truth. (Truth with a capital 'T' is theological in nature, and can be presumably only be possessed by God. Very emblematic of you that you would present your bigoted opinions this way).

RESPONSE: The usual smokescreen. You don't actually SAY anything here, except to nitpick over vague semantics of "truth."

YOU SAY: Ask them to do that, however, and they scream bloody murder.

RESPONSE: On the contrary. They state facts. You, in return, pose slander. As you do with me. Your job is to create confusion, to throw garbage on the trail of Truth (small T, or little t, let's have another inane "theological" discussion about it to lead folks astray). That is your aim. The point is grotesque Jewish influence and power in the film industry which influences how people think and understand the world.

YOU SAY: That's not what people with truth on their side do.

RESPONSE: You wouldn't know "truth" if it was sitting on your head and you were staring in a mirror.

YOU SAY: Harvard University is a private institution that must admit students on an Equal Opportunity basis. No one, however, has to let their business be run by anyone but whom they feel is most qualified to do so successfully.

RESPONSE: More Jewish fraud. Jews have been agitating everywhere about "discrimination," even as they run popular culture. There are entire books written by Jews about "discrimination" against Jews in the corporate world (check out Slavin, for example). Jews want control and influence at all desks, in all forums of power.

You YOURSELF at any earlier post complained about "discrimination" against Jews in the corporate world. Your arguments shift, chameleon-like: whatever it takes to get the Collective Jewish Toe up the Next Power Rung, no?

Henry Ford's "discrimination" against Jews is discussed by Jews to THIS DAY (there was even an entire book about Ford's "antisemitism", published in the last couple of years.

Jews spend most of their lives looking under ever rock and searching every cranny (in the corporate world or otherwise), looking for "discrimination" against them.

God forbid this obsession for "discrimination" turn into the closets of Hollywood!

YOU SAY: By what logic could anyone ever be forced to hire a person of inferior qualifications to RUN and OWN their businesses? Studios hire minorities at the same rates as every other business.

RESPONSE: As always, you twist wildly into the Nether Zone whatever I've said. The issue is the Jewish Potentate that runs Hollywood, and so much else. It's a kind of mafia clan. It's also a monopoly. Hollywood isn't just a "business": it is an ideology factory. Thanks to Jewish Hollywood we've got a celebration of cocaine, prostitution, wild whoring, Las Vegas decadence, the worship of Money, and on and on. Jews are at the heart of the Hollywood indoctrination factory, however you dissimulate.

YOU SAY: The two situations are not even remotely parallel, but you simply don't have the intellectual ability to tell the difference.

RESPONSE: Your fundamental task in being the resident Jewish apologist is to subsume ethics, justice, democracy, and morality beneath Hollywood money-grubbing. (And Shelps is the same).

I don't care what the Hell your ideas about democracy are. If you come to my town and build whorehouse after whorehouse, porno theatre after porno theatre, and set up a few drug rings in the name of your "rights" to be a businessman, I'm going to agitate to get you thrown out of town. (This, by the way, is part of real Jewish history. Thanks, Jews, IN EXTRAORDINARILY LARGE PART, for Las Vegas, the smut industry, the alcohol industry (Bronfman, etc.) and on and on.)

Hollywood is in large part a decadent whorehouse. And Jews, as brothel owners, are central to it.

YOU SAY: The Anti-Defamation League and the rest SHOULD fight against discrimination against Jews,

RESPONSE: The ADL is a propaganda agency for the racist state of Israel. The ADL recently lost a $10 million lawsuit filed by a FILM PRODUCER (Quigley) for the FALSE accusation of "antisemitism." The ADL is a cash cow for Jewish propaganda and collective aggrandizement. It has morphed into a private police agency, and is profoundly dangerous to non-Jewish American citizens.

YOU SAY: which IS a great sin of the 20th Century.

RESPONSE: Here's your inane bias on your sleeve. There is no ethnic group on the planet who has not faced discrimination in history. Jews are entitled to no special consideration, no more than any other group.

Jewish racism OUT of Hollywood! Hey, hey, ho, ho, the Jewish Mafia has got to go!

YOU SAY: If the studios have provably discriminated against anyone then they should be held accountable too. Unfortunately for your argument, it hasn't been proved - and Jaeger and Cones are clearly up in arms that anyone would ever ask them to prove it.

RESPONSE: What's to "prove?" If I'm the biggest businessman in town, and virtually every one of my executives has my very same surname, to believe that this is the result of their "hard work" and my natural "business" acumen to spot talent is the expression of an imbecile.

YOU SAY: Mr. Shelps has gone on record that his opposition to you is moral, religious, and intellectual.

RESPONSE: No. Shelps doesn't know what those words mean. He is on record for kissing your Butt, in the name of his good business policy, and his religious faith that you, as a Jew, are sacred.

YOU SAY: He definitely does care about both justice and democracy, the problem is that you don't understand the definitions of the words.

RESPONSE: I've run across so many Jewish debaters whose only tact is to struggle with semantics, "definitions," etc.

Hey. Fraud is fraud. It's spelled f-r-a-u-d. Put the "J" word in front and get out your dictionary. This is institutionalized. And you are one of its practitioners.

YOU SAY: Your idea of "democracy" is mob rule, and your idea of "justice" is
mob violence.

RESPONSE: Slander, smear, and invention. These are the tools of your "argument."

When I hear the word "mob," I think of the Jewish mafia. Don't you? Meyer Lansky, and all. Modern Israel is "mob violence" that is institutionalized. And you support and defend it.

YOu are a bigot and a racist. And your call to "violence" is clandestine, in your support of brutal, murderous Israel.

YOU, in your defense of Israel, slaughter babies. YOU, in your defense of the Jewish national collective, subscribe to Jewish racial supremacy. YOU, in your defense of Israel, ally yourself with convictions that in total contradiction to the premises of American democracy (which you fraudulently hold up as reflecting your own world view). You are a Jewish racist, like so many, and to declare you so is not an act of "bigotry" or "antisemitism" but an act of populist liberation from the Judeocentric-Zionist scam that is leading the world to Hell.










Re(5): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 21, 2003 at 10:28:39 PM by Mitchell Levine

Jews spend most of their lives looking under ever rock and searching every cranny (in the corporate world or otherwise), looking for "discrimination" against them.

-And they should. No one has the right to discriminate unfairly against others, and that includes Jewish movie executives.

God forbid this obsession for "discrimination" turn into the closets of Hollywood!

- As soon as you can find anyone who's ever been discriminated against by Hollywood on account of being non-Jewish, then let us know. Jaeger and Cones certainly can't.

RESPONSE: As always, you twist wildly into the Nether Zone whatever I've said. The issue is the Jewish Potentate that runs Hollywood, and so much else. It's a kind of mafia clan.

Wrong. A "mafia clan" is a criminal enterprise. As attorney Cones admits, he has no evidence that laws are being broken.

It's also a monopoly.

-Oh, really? Then what are Jaeger, Bollywood, Hong Kong, and all the independents doing in business?

Hollywood isn't just a "business": it is an ideology factory.

-If that were true, then judging by the current president and Operation Iraqi Freedom's bulging approval ratings, given the apparent "liberal media bias," it can't be a very effective one.

Thanks to Jewish Hollywood we've got a celebration of cocaine, prostitution, wild whoring, Las Vegas decadence, the worship of Money, and on and on.

- That's just a paranoid, delusional hate fantasy. Also, by the way, you might have noticed that this is no longer the 1970's.

All of the above phenomena have histories that long predate Hollywood and Jews.

YOU SAY: The two situations are not even remotely parallel, but you simply don't have the intellectual ability to tell the difference.

RESPONSE: Your fundamental task in being the resident Jewish apologist is to subsume ethics, justice, democracy, and morality beneath Hollywood money-grubbing. (And Shelps is the same).

-Notice that you still are incapable of intellectually dealing with the argument, and instead fall back on bigoted sloganeering as unconnected as it might be to the subject of conversation.

I don't care what the Hell your ideas about democracy are.

-Or the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, for that matter.

If you come to my town and build whorehouse after whorehouse, porno theatre after porno theatre, and set up a few drug rings in the name of your "rights" to be a businessman, I'm going to agitate to get you thrown out of town.

- And if I ever do that, please do.

RESPONSE: The ADL is a propaganda agency for the racist state of Israel.

Hardly. The ADL is no more a propaganda agency for the racist state of Israel, than you are for supporting the genuinely racist states of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Jordan, and Libya.

The ADL recently lost a $10 million lawsuit filed by a FILM PRODUCER (Quigley) for the FALSE accusation of "antisemitism."

-They were mistaken in this instance, and rightfully sanctioned, if true, but that doesn't in any way illegitimate their purpose. It simply means they were wrong in this instance, not that defending Jews against defamation is somehow wrong.

The ADL is a cash cow for Jewish propaganda and collective aggrandizement. It has morphed into a private police agency, and is profoundly dangerous to non-Jewish American citizens.

Hardly. It has no power to impose criminal sentences, and isn't dangerous to anyone other than those who wish to discriminate against Jews. if they were mistaken in the case of Ms. Quigley, they should be and will be held accountable.

YOU SAY: which IS a great sin of the 20th Century.

RESPONSE: Here's your inane bias on your sleeve. There is no ethnic group on the planet who has not faced discrimination in history. Jews are entitled to no special consideration, no more than any other group.

- No more so than they are subject to any special discrimination above tha of any other group. They don't deserve receipt of any consideration other than the same rights to non-discrimination as any other group. Pretty much all they want to be accepted as is simply other Americans that believe in a different religion. Nothing more.

YOU SAY: If the studios have provably discriminated against anyone then they should be held accountable too. Unfortunately for your argument, it hasn't been proved - and Jaeger and Cones are clearly up in arms that anyone would ever ask them to prove it.

RESPONSE: What's to "prove?" If I'm the biggest businessman in town, and virtually every one of my executives has my very same surname, to believe that this is the result of their "hard work" and my natural "business" acumen to spot talent is the expression of an imbecile.

- That might conceivably be true if that were the case in Hollywood. It's not. The only thing you have is an industry where many - but certainly not all - belong to an ethnicity - but hardly all share a surname - which historically founded it through its own undeniable business accumen (please show me any source anywhere which refutes the business skills of the founders of the film industry). That's not a crime, nor will it be.

It's not enough to show that there's a bunch of people in a business that belong to a certain ethnic group; it's also necessary to show how anyone else has been excluded, unless you want to explain how the Irish and Greek Mafias "control" law enforcement and shipping though their ethnocentric accumen and hegemony.

YOU SAY: Mr. Shelps has gone on record that his opposition to you is moral, religious, and intellectual.

RESPONSE: No. Shelps doesn't know what those words mean. He is on record for kissing your Butt, in the name of his good business policy, and his religious faith that you, as a Jew, are sacred.

- You've never shown the slightest evidence that you know what the above words mean. In fact, in your posts about commercial banking you showed endlessly how you're willing to pontificate about subjects which you quite simply don't have the slightest definitional grasp of.

YOU SAY: He definitely does care about both justice and democracy, the problem is that you don't understand the definitions of the words.

RESPONSE: I've run across so many Jewish debaters whose only tact is to struggle with semantics, "definitions," etc.

-Absolutely, HOW COULD THE DEFINITIONS OF WORDS POSSIBLY HAVE ANY IMPACT ON AN ARGUMENT ABOUT THE TRUTH OF A SUBJECT? Good thinking! Thank you for enriching the Western tradition of rational analysis, moron!

YOU SAY: Your idea of "democracy" is mob rule, and your idea of "justice" is
mob violence.

RESPONSE: Slander, smear, and invention. These are the tools of your "argument."

-Excuse me, but the post in which you admit to supporting mob violence against Jews - or "democracy in action and justice" in your propaganda-speak has already been identified.

When I hear the word "mob," I think of the Jewish mafia. Don't you? Meyer Lansky, and all.

-Sorry, I think of the rest of the 99% of the Mafia which is non-Jewish.

Modern Israel is "mob violence" that is institutionalized. And you support and defend it. You are a bigot and a racist. And your call to "violence" is clandestine, in your support of brutal, murderous Israel.
YOU, in your defense of Israel, slaughter babies.

- Bullshit. It's HAMAS that walked out of the talks for Palestinian statehood, and went and pulled off more murders and suicide bombings, just to attempt to derail the peace process, not the Israelis. This bullshit propaganda whine no longer works, so you should really drop it from your admittedly limited repetroire.

YOU, in your defense of the Jewish national collective, subscribe to Jewish racial supremacy. YOU, in your defense of Israel

-That you can't distinguish between believing in equal rights for your people and somehow advocating for any kind of "racial supremacy," which I would in no way ever do, simply confirms how demented you are.

, ally yourself with convictions that in total contradiction to the premises of American democracy (which you fraudulently hold up as reflecting your own world view).

No idiot, I hold it up as reflecting the worldview of the Constitution and the Founding Father.

like so many, and to declare you so is not an act of "bigotry" or "antisemitism"

-No, it's an act of complete misperception of reality.

but an act of populist liberation from the Judeocentric-Zionist scam that is leading the world to Hell.











Re(6): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 22, 2003 at 00:17:17 AM by mg

YOU SAY: As soon as you can find anyone who's ever been discriminated against by Hollywood on account of being non-Jewish, then let us know. Jaeger and Cones certainly can't.

RESPONSE: EVERYONE has been "discriminated against" in the constant trashing of various ethnicities and the kid-gloves treatment of Jewry in the movies.

Again, Jewish discrimination isn't too hard to understand, unless your central belief system is an endorsement of the Judeocentric status quo. Endless Jewish names in the upper hierarchies spells cronyism. An imbecile can grasp that.

YOU SAY: Wrong. A "mafia clan" is a criminal enterprise. As attorney Cones admits, he has no evidence that laws are being broken.

RESPONSE: The criminal underworld has always been part of Hollywood, from Bugsy Siegel to the "godfather of Hollywood," Jewish lawyer Sidney Korshak.

When Jewish "labor lawyer Sidney Korshak ... arrived in Hollywood [in the 1940s]," says Dan Moldea, "a new, more ambitious and sophisticated era of the Mafia's penetration of the film industry had begun." [MOLDEA, p. 86] Korshak had connections and friends
throughout the Hollywood world. "To scores of federal, state, and local
law enforcement officials," wrote Seymour Hersh, "Korshak is the
most important link between organized crime and legitimate business."
[MOLDEA, p. 278] In 1978 a California Attorney General report listed Korshak
as one of the "Mob figures" in the state. [MCDOUGAL, p. 420] Among those many in Hollywood who worked with Korshak was Charles Bluhdorn, who had gained control of Gulf +Western
(of which Paramount studios became a subsidiary) in 1966. "Bluhdorn seemed
to have few qualms about turning to gray money," says Peter Biskind, "He was under investigated by the SEC through the '70s, and he was close
to Korshak, the real Godfather of Hollywood ... [BISKIND, p. 144] ... Everyone who worked for him was certain [Bluhdorn] was Jewish, but he took great pains to conceal it. Mob lawyer Sidney Korshak told [producer Robert] Evans that his sister went to synagogue with Bluhdorn in Chicago, but the Gulf + Western chief always professed ignorance of Jewish holidays." [BISKIND, p. 143]

YOU SAY: Oh, really? Then what are Jaeger, Bollywood, Hong Kong, and all the independents doing in business?

RESPONSE: They are struggling to break Hollywood's hegemony.

YOU SAY: If that were true, then judging by the current president and Operation Iraqi Freedom's bulging approval ratings, given the apparent "liberal media bias," it can't be a very effective one.

RESPONSE: The "liberal media" has been puppet-like in endorsment of the war against Iraq (in the unspoken name of Israel). Few media people have challenged the invasion. Most follow the "what's good for Israel is good for America" line.

YOU SAY: That's just a paranoid, delusional hate fantasy. Also, by the way, you might have noticed that this is no longer the 1970's.

RESPONSE: No fantasy. We document this stuff at our web site.

YOU SAY: All of the above phenomena have histories that long predate Hollywood and Jews.

RESPONSE: Yes, in the sense that "prostitution" probably existed before there were even "Jews." But Jews have gravitated over history to all the seedier sorts of exploitations. They have become pre-eminent in everything from the sex trade to the illegal drug industry. We document this at our web site.

YOU SAY: Notice that you still are incapable of intellectually dealing with the argument, and instead fall back on bigoted sloganeering as unconnected as it might be to the subject of conversation.

RESPONSE: You don't even grasp what the argument is, EXCEPT that you rush to defend Jewry against any criticism, however legitimate.

YOU SAY: Or the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, for that matter.

RESPONSE: Your beloved Hellhole, Israel, is founded upon a range of laws that are ANTITHETICAL to the foundations of American democracy. For you to parrot "the Constitution" and the "founding fathers" as exempliary of your world view is perverse.

YOU SAY: And if I ever do that, please do.

RESPONSE: I won't need to. There'll be others before me.

YOU SAY: Hardly. The ADL is no more a propaganda agency for the racist state of Israel, than you are for supporting the genuinely racist states of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Jordan, and Libya.

RESPONSE: Ask former Congressman Pete McCloskey about the ADL, and all the many others who sued it as an illegal police agency. (Settlement was made relatively recently).

YOU SAY: They were mistaken in this instance, and rightfully sanctioned, if true, but that doesn't in any way illegitimate their purpose. It simply means they were wrong in this instance, not that defending Jews against defamation is somehow wrong.

RESPONS: It means that the ADL's zealousness in policing and defaming American citizens is profoundly excessive.

YOU SAY: Hardly. It has no power to impose criminal sentences, and isn't dangerous to anyone other than those who wish to discriminate against Jews. if they were mistaken in the case of Ms. Quigley, they should be and will be held accountable.

RESPONSE: The ADL even has developed an Internet censorship device, so guys like you can ban information about Jewry you don't want seen.

YOU SAY: No more so than they are subject to any special discrimination above tha of any other group. They don't deserve receipt of any consideration other than the same rights to non-discrimination as any other group. Pretty much all they want to be accepted as is simply other Americans that believe in a different religion. Nothing more.

RESPONSE: Bullshit. The Jewish American Collective is a (in large -- but not total) band of "dual loyalists" with primary allegiance to other Jews and the state of Israel. Plenty of Jewish organizations have done surveys about this, and we quote some of the results at our web site.

YOU SAY: That might conceivably be true if that were the case in Hollywood. It's not. The only thing you have is an industry where many - but certainly not all - belong to an ethnicity - but hardly all share a surname - which historically founded it through its own undeniable business accumen (please show me any source anywhere which refutes the business skills of the founders of the film industry). That's not a crime, nor will it be.

RESPONSE: "Business skills" in the Jewish community have long included "what you can get away with." You know that. A good example, per the research of researcher Steve Cohen, is the percentages of Jewish entrepreneurs who don't report all they're supposed to post towards paying income tax.

YOU SAY: It's not enough to show that there's a bunch of people in a business that belong to a certain ethnic group; it's also necessary to show how anyone else has been excluded, unless you want to explain how the Irish and Greek Mafias "control" law enforcement and shipping though their ethnocentric accumen and hegemony.

RESPONSE: You are really a chameleon. Your demand that I must "show how anyone is excluded" is like demanding to "prove" any kind of bias when, say, 42 hyenas dominate a zoo cage, with only a token sheep or two lounging around at the front of the viewing area.

YOU SAY: You've never shown the slightest evidence that you know what the above words mean.

RESPONSE: Hmmm. I was wondering about YOUR command of the English language. Is your FIRST language Hebrew? Or Yiddish?

YOU SAY: In fact, in your posts about commercial banking you showed endlessly how you're willing to pontificate about subjects which you quite simply don't have the slightest definitional grasp of.

RESPONSE: Your essence is to OBSFUCATE. You obscure. You demand "definitions" in your quest to take discussions down blind allies so the kernel of argument is diluted. Oh. And you smear and slander, which is the foundation of Jewish apologetics.


RESPONSE: Look at what you're doing. Consciously, I'm sure. You're trying to drive a discussion about Jewish hegemony in Hollywood into a philosophical treatise about "definitions." It's an old method -- tried and true -- to guide discourse AWAY from that which you fear: a frank discussion of Jewish hegemony.

YOU SAY: Thank you for enriching the Western tradition of rational analysis, moron!

RESPONSE: Gosh! Well said, Socrates! Or is this your version of Shakespeare?

YOU SAY: Excuse me, but the post in which you admit to supporting mob violence against Jews - or "democracy in action and justice" in your propaganda-speak has already been identified.

RESPONSE: Excuse -e- moi, mon Bozo. Your statement above is total fabrication. It is necessary for you to invent a "violent" dimension to my investigation of Jewish power, Jewish racism, Jewish hegemony, Jewish elitism, Israeli brutality, etc.

Your fabrication is one of the roots of your "argument." It is necessary for you to paint me as "violent" to fulfill your stereotypes. Dream on, Israeli stormtrooper.









Re(7): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 22, 2003 at 08:42:40 PM by Mitchell Levine

RESPONSE: EVERYONE has been "discriminated against" in the constant trashing of various ethnicities and the kid-gloves treatment of Jewry in the movies.

Again, Jewish discrimination isn't too hard to understand, unless your central belief system is an endorsement of the Judeocentric status quo. Endless Jewish names in the upper hierarchies spells cronyism. An imbecile can grasp that.

- Hollywood presents numerous positive portrayals of ethnicities and negative portrayals of Jews. Jewish names in upper hierarchies DOESNT prove discrimination anymore that Irish names in police rosters does. You have to demonstrate that there are people who've BEEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, which you can't.

RESPONSE: The criminal underworld has always been part of Hollywood, from Bugsy Siegel to the "godfather of Hollywood," Jewish lawyer Sidney Korshak.

- Actually, Hollywood was founded with money drawn from the Mafia - that doesn't mean that studios are breaking any laws today. Even Cones and Jaeger admit they have no evidence of it.

YOU SAY: All of the above phenomena have histories that long predate Hollywood and Jews.

RESPONSE: Yes, in the sense that "prostitution" probably existed before there were even "Jews." But Jews have gravitated over history to all the seedier sorts of exploitations. They have become pre-eminent in everything from the sex trade to the illegal drug industry. We document this at our web site.

- Bullshit. Prostitution is a grass-roots phenomenon controlled by pimps, which are unlikely to be highly dominated by Jews. Most narcotics distribution is controlled by South American drug cartels and posses by groups like Dominicans and Jamaicans. The Russian Mafias only real play is in the Ecstacy trade. Your site is a bullshit scam which tries to find a few negative references to Jews and then try to smear Jews everywhere. You do no fact checking, and your "journalistic objectivity" is enforced by a guy who makes idiotic pronouncements like "Jews are hustlers."

Just today you posted as "Jewish News" a story about a synagogue in Pennsylvania in which its exec director and bookkeeper were arrested for embezzlement - trying to draw the implication that all Jews everywhere were criminals. You could just as easily make the argument about the Chinese on the basis of the two execs at Gemstar just indicted.

RESPONSE: You don't even grasp what the argument is, EXCEPT that you rush to defend Jewry against any criticism, however legitimate.

- You don't make any legitimate criticism, just a bunch of antisemitic horseshit. Even the fact that you'd use a phrase like "criticism of Jewry," which certainly implies all Jews everywhere, demonstrates that. Blame for malfeasance DOES NOT attach to anyone but those whose responsibility a crime might be. Your continued support for the concept of "collective shame" reflects your lack of understanding of this concept.

YOU SAY: Or the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, for that matter.

RESPONSE: Your beloved Hellhole, Israel, is founded upon a range of laws that are ANTITHETICAL to the foundations of American democracy. For you to parrot "the Constitution" and the "founding fathers" as exempliary of your world view is perverse.

- Israel is NOT THE UNITED STATES AND NOT SUBJECT TO THE CONSTITUTION. And if you claim to support "democracy" or "justice" or "human rights" on the basis of your supposed "humanitarian regard" for Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or Libya, you have an outlook whose perversion defies limits. The truth is you couldn't care less about the Palestinians, they're just a propaganda tool for you to use to attack Jews.

RESPONS: It means that the ADL's zealousness in policing and defaming American citizens is profoundly excessive.

- It has every right to keep tabs on discriminatory antisemitic activities as a private institution. It has no "policing" functions, as it can't enforce any criminal penalties. If it overstepped its bounds, then, as I said, it should and will be held responsible.

YOU SAY: Hardly. It has no power to impose criminal sentences, and isn't dangerous to anyone other than those who wish to discriminate against Jews. if they were mistaken in the case of Ms. Quigley, they should be and will be held accountable.

RESPONSE: The ADL even has developed an Internet censorship device, so guys like you can ban information about Jewry you don't want seen.

- They can't BAN anything, and censorship is a denial of legal rights. Their hate filter is designed to protect children from vile, hateful material at the express request of parents and schools. Show me one instance of any legitimate news outlet that's ever had their material "banned" by the ADL's web filter.

RESPONSE: Bullshit. The Jewish American Collective is a (in large -- but not total) band of "dual loyalists" with primary allegiance to other Jews and the state of Israel.

Let's see some double-blind research evidence that indicates this true, then people will believe it's not just your hateful, ignorant stereotype. When you can prove it - which you certainly can't - people will buy your argument.

RESPONSE: "Business skills" in the Jewish community have long included "what you can get away with." You know that. A good example, per the research of researcher Steve Cohen, is the percentages of Jewish entrepreneurs who don't report all they're supposed to post towards paying income tax.

- Show some statistically-validated research indicating that such results are at variance with the population distributions of the many, many non-Jewish businessman whom are convicted of tax fraud. You'll never show any correlation there: if you could, you would have posted it on your site already.

RESPONSE: You are really a chameleon. Your demand that I must "show how anyone is excluded" is like demanding to "prove" any kind of bias when, say, 42 hyenas dominate a zoo cage, with only a token sheep or two lounging around at the front of the viewing area.

- This is yet another example of your ridiculous analogies: A ZOO CAGE IS NOT SELECTED FOR DIVERSITY! If you could show that, say, Hyena distributors had illegally divided territories or forced out sheep distributors, which would necessitate finding someone whom had been denied the "right" to exhibit their sheep, then you'd have an argument.

RESPONSE: Hmmm. I was wondering about YOUR command of the English language. Is your FIRST language Hebrew? Or Yiddish?

- One thing you'll never be able to compete with me over is command of the English language. I'm a newspaper editor and script doctor by profession, and I guarantee that my SAT verbals were higher than yours, particularly noting the poor writing and editing appearing on your site. I'm a Upstate New York born and bred, 34 year old former National Merit Scholar. It's a mistake for you to go down this road.

RESPONSE: Your essence is to OBSFUCATE. You obscure. You demand "definitions" in your quest to take discussions down blind allies so the kernel of argument is diluted. Oh. And you smear and slander, which is the foundation of Jewish apologetics.

- Demanding definitions concerning the topic at hand is NOT obfuscating, it's the essence of rational analysis - something you are little concerned with judging by your tendency to jump right into discussions about topics, like commercial banking, you clearly know nothing about. And given your career in antisemitic propagandizing, you shouldn't be complaining about anyone else "smearing."

RESPONSE: Look at what you're doing. Consciously, I'm sure. You're trying to drive a discussion about Jewish hegemony in Hollywood into a philosophical treatise about "definitions." It's an old method -- tried and true -- to guide discourse AWAY from that which you fear: a frank discussion of Jewish hegemony.

- No, I'm using logical analysis to demonstrate the intellectual bankruptcy of your hate-filled rabble- rousing. You don't like this line of inquiry because making emotional appeals to prejudice is all you're capable of, which is why you keep falling back on it whenever it's demonstrated your attempts at arguments are fallacious.

RESPONSE: Excuse -e- moi, mon Bozo. Your statement above is total fabrication. It is necessary for you to invent a "violent" dimension to my investigation of Jewish power, Jewish racism, Jewish hegemony, Jewish elitism, Israeli brutality, etc.

Your fabrication is one of the roots of your "argument." It is necessary for you to paint me as "violent" to fulfill your stereotypes. Dream on, Israeli stormtrooper.

"Jews will continue to dominate and expand their influence in the mass media in growing numbers of places ...until people have the guts to stand up and say ENOUGH!

- YOU SAY: And after they stand up and say this, what next?

RESPONS: Political activism. Whatever the "people" decide. Democracy in action.

YOU SAY: The one thing you, Cones, and Jaeger have in common is that you have not spelled out your remedy for the the
situation you deplore.

RESPONSE: We aren't dictators. The key is to get people talking about the Jewish hegemony problem. Once the public understands how shafted we are all by Jewish Ethnocentrism, then history will go in the direction it is destined."

- You know exactly what you meant, you crypto-facist scumbag.









Re(8): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 23, 2003 at 09:22:58 PM by mg

YOU SAY: Hollywood presents numerous positive portrayals of ethnicities and negative portrayals of Jews.

RESPONSE: We've done our homework about all this. See WHEN VICTIMS RULE at Jewish Tribal Review. Name some "negative portrayal" of Jews in a major Hollywood movie. Jewish organizations have policing this for decades. Negative portrayals of Jews have tended to shift to other ethnicities.

YOU SAY: Jewish names in upper hierarchies DOESNT prove discrimination anymore that Irish names in police rosters does.

RESPONSE: If Jews wanted to be "policemen," you'd see a thousand lawsuits and Jews would dominate the field. But why die for someone elses' money?

YOU SAY: You have to demonstrate that there are people who've BEEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, which you can't.

RESPONSE: We may fairly analyze the results of Jewish domination of Hollywood. There have been academic studies about the negative portrayals of various ethnicities in Hollywood. Arabs, of course, are prime. See Jack Shaheen's work, just for starters.

YOU SAY: Actually, Hollywood was founded with money drawn from the Mafia - that doesn't mean that studios are breaking any laws today. Even Cones and Jaeger admit they have no evidence of it.

RESPONSE: You admit a common knowledge "Mafia" foundation, then delight that Cones and Jaeger can't document it. Pretty sleazy on your part.

YOU SAY: Bullshit. Prostitution is a grass-roots phenomenon controlled by pimps, which are unlikely to be highly dominated by Jews.

RESPONSE: You're in denial. You'll find tons of material online (from legitimate sources) about the widespread Israeli pimp network, an important link in today's international prostitution trade. We cite plenty of it at our web site, with (alas, for you!) links.

YOU SAY: Most narcotics distribution is controlled by South American drug cartels and posses by groups like Dominicans and Jamaicans.

RESPONSE: Hey! You're sounding like a "bigot!" How dare you slur ethnic groups, with no documentation. We DOCUMENT our complaint. Criminal Jews were the original illegal drug importers into America (read Rich Cohen's "TOUGH JEWS," for starters). Today's Ecstasy trade is an Israeli monopoly. That's in the news all over the place. Jewish Hollywood was big on cocaine, as you know. We cite some of the biggest Jewish drug dealers at our web cite.

YOU SAY: The Russian Mafias only real play is in the Ecstacy trade.

RESPONSE: The Russian Mafia is pretty much into everything, don't you think?

YOU SAY: Your site is a bullshit scam which tries to find a few negative references to Jews

RESPONSE: A "few?" The citations carry on into infinity, limited only by time and energy to collect them.

YOU SAY: and then try to smear Jews everywhere.

RESPONSE: No. We raise the question: "Why are Jews so prominent in all these nefarious realms, parallel to their prominence in Hollywood?" What's your answer?

YOU SAY: You do no fact checking,

RESPONSE: We invite anyone to
and welcome their evaluation of our "fact checking." Then we humbly request that readers check YOURS.

YOU SAY: and your "journalistic objectivity" is enforced by a guy who makes idiotic pronouncements like "Jews are hustlers."

RESPONSE: We post facts. Call it "journalism," or whatever you want. Presented with facts, people can make up their own minds about what it all means.

YOU SAY: Just today you posted as "Jewish News" a story about a synagogue in Pennsylvania in which its exec director and bookkeeper were arrested for embezzlement - trying to draw the implication that all Jews everywhere were criminals.

RESPONSE: You will note that the (Jewish dominated) mass media has been having a field day impugning Catholic priests lately. That's OK. But to aim the same kind of attention to anything "Jewish" is for you the act of a barbarian.

YOU SAY: You could just as easily make the argument about the Chinese on the basis of the two execs at Gemstar just indicted.

RESPONSE: The Chinese don't dominate American culture. Jews do. How did they do it? Time for frank talk.

YOU SAY: You don't make any legitimate criticism, just a bunch of antisemitic horseshit.

RESPONSE: Here again you exemplify your NON-argument. I post facts. You post smears and name-calling. That's our dialogue. You're a propagandist. You hope that anyone who speaks critically of Jews (including Jaeger and Cones) is made muddy by your smears, their arguments will be marginalized WITHOUT INVESTIGATION.

YOU SAY: Even the fact that you'd use a phrase like "criticism of Jewry," which certainly implies all Jews everywhere, demonstrates that.

RESPONSE: You're saying there's no such thing as "Jewry?" Really? What you're REALLY saying is Jewry -- a very real and definable entity -- IS BEYOND CRITICISM.

YOU SAY: Blame for malfeasance DOES NOT attach to anyone but those whose responsibility a crime might be.

RESPONSE: Don't like critical attacks on general groups of people, huh? Jews have been in the vanguard of the attack upon the WASP power structure and creating a climate where "white racism" is the only thing paid attention to, when "Jewish racism" is arguably greater.

YOU SAY: Your continued support for the concept of "collective shame" reflects your lack of understanding of this concept.

RESPONSE: Stop dissimulating. Read your nearest Jewish journal and tell me about the lack of "collective" anything. Jews are plenty ashamed, for a hell of a lot, and it's not my original idea. Sorry.


RESPONSE: True, it's a racist hellhole. And all the American Jews who have been bending billions of dollars of American taxpayers' money to the Land of Jewish Supremacy have been BILKED by guys like you BIG TIME!

YOU SAY: And if you claim to support "democracy" or "justice" or "human rights" on the basis of your supposed "humanitarian regard" for Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or Libya, you have an outlook whose perversion defies limits.

RESPONSE: The Jewish Collective (yes, including YOU!) is responsible for bilking U.S. taxpayers out of many tens of billions of dollars. Not Saudi Arabia. Not Libya. Certainly not Palestine. And Hollywood is definitely part of this propaganda factory and Israel cash cow. You're a fraudster of the first order. Shame!











Re(9): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 23, 2003 at 10:52:27 PM by Mitchell Levine

Name some "negative portrayal" of Jews in a major Hollywood movie. Jewish organizations have policing this for decades. Negative portrayals of Jews have tended to shift to other ethnicities.

- You might want to see X2 for example whose sub-villain is a guy named Magneto - a Jewish holocaust survivor whose real name is Eric Lensherr- whom does no less than try to kill all humans on Earth out of vengance against their intolerance of his (mutant) kind.

Then you could follow it with all kinds of antisemitic movies like Batman Returns, Die Hard, They Live, Family Business (an anti-race-mixing movie, no less), and even conclude with Deep Cover, featuring Jeff Goldblum as a Jewish drug dealer.

YOU SAY: Jewish names in upper hierarchies DOESNT prove discrimination anymore that Irish names in police rosters does.

RESPONSE: If Jews wanted to be "policemen," you'd see a thousand lawsuits and Jews would dominate the field. But why die for someone elses' money?

- The reason why there's few Jews in the ranks of police officers is because they were specifically excluded. Many at the Turn of the 20th Century and Depression (when they would have taken any job whatsoever) tried, applied, and were denied. Note that your objection supports my argument, which is that a concentration of an ethnicity doesn't demonstrate exclusion. There have to be people of differing heritage that want the job and are qualified. Thanks for making my point in your illogical, psychotic zeal to once again smear Jews.

YOU SAY: You have to demonstrate that there are people who've BEEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, which you can't.

RESPONSE: We may fairly analyze the results of Jewish domination of Hollywood. There have been academic studies about the negative portrayals of various ethnicities in Hollywood. Arabs, of course, are prime. See Jack Shaheen's work, just for starters.

- We were talking about people discriminated against by not being hired by THE STUDIOS, not somehow maligned audience members. To do that, as you indicate in your comments about the Irish in the police force, you need to show that there's ever been anyone that the studios ever discriminated against in hiring. You can't, and neither can Cones and Jaeger.

YOU SAY: Actually, Hollywood was founded with money drawn from the Mafia - that doesn't mean that studios are breaking any laws today. Even Cones and Jaeger admit they have no evidence of it.

RESPONSE: You admit a common knowledge "Mafia" foundation, then delight that Cones and Jaeger can't document it. Pretty sleazy on your part.


YOU SAY: Bullshit. Prostitution is a grass-roots phenomenon controlled by pimps, which are unlikely to be highly dominated by Jews.

RESPONSE: You're in denial. You'll find tons of material online (from legitimate sources) about the widespread Israeli pimp network, an important link in today's international prostitution trade. We cite plenty of it at our web site, with (alas, for you!) links.

- No, you published a bunch of links which made unproven allegations.

YOU SAY: Most narcotics distribution is controlled by South American drug cartels and posses by groups like Dominicans and Jamaicans.

RESPONSE: Hey! You're sounding like a "bigot!" How dare you slur ethnic groups, with no documentation.

- I'm not slurring them - they're drug cartels that operate out of Jamaica and the Dominicans, thus I refer to their members as "Jamaicans," and "Dominicans!" We don't have coca resources in the U.S. That's documented! The crop is native to those areas, and is the largest export of those nations. That's also quite documented.

RESPONSE: The Russian Mafia is pretty much into everything, don't you think?

- No, I don't. There's lots of things they're not into, like, for example, large-scale entry into those areas dominated by the Italian Mafia, including most elements of the drug trade, excluding Ecstacy.

YOU SAY: Your site is a bullshit scam which tries to find a few negative references to Jews

RESPONSE: A "few?" The citations carry on into infinity, limited only by time and energy to collect them.

- As you could do about any group of people. You're prejudiced against Jews, so you're motivated to attack them with criticisms that can be leveled against anyone.

YOU SAY: and then try to smear Jews everywhere.

RESPONSE: No. We raise the question: "Why are Jews so prominent in all these nefarious realms, parallel to their prominence in Hollywood?" What's your answer?

- Why are so vastly many more non-Jews prominent in these realms? Because there are good and bad people in any group.

YOU SAY: and your "journalistic objectivity" is enforced by a guy who makes idiotic pronouncements like "Jews are hustlers."

- Moronic pronouncements like "Jews are hustlers" are facts?

RESPONSE: YOU SAY: Just today you posted as "Jewish News" a story about a synagogue in Pennsylvania in which its exec director and bookkeeper were arrested for embezzlement - trying to draw the implication that all Jews everywhere were criminals.

RESPONSE: You will note that the (Jewish dominated) mass media has been having a field day impugning Catholic priests lately. That's OK. But to aim the same kind of attention to anything "Jewish" is for you the act of a barbarian.

- No, the point is that your implication is that all Jews are somehow responsible for the crime of these individuals. No complained about the "barbarity" of the paper in Pennsylvania you skimmed the story from for reporting a legitimate news item. As if there's no financial improprieties by non-Jews going around, or this was typical behavior amongst synagogue directors? No one is saying that pediophilliac priests are representative of Catholics everywhere, or priests everywhere! Any more than Shlomo Carlebach is representative of Rabbis.

YOU SAY: Even the fact that you'd use a phrase like "criticism of Jewry," which certainly implies all Jews everywhere, demonstrates that.

RESPONSE: You're saying there's no such thing as "Jewry?" Really? What you're REALLY saying is Jewry -- a very real and definable entity -- IS BEYOND CRITICISM.

- No, it's that all individual Jews shouldn't be smeared because a few do things you don't like. That's what you wish to do, and you'd do it if there was one Jew on Earth, and no matter what Jews did.

YOU SAY: Blame for malfeasance DOES NOT attach to anyone but those whose responsibility a crime might be.

RESPONSE: Don't like critical attacks on general groups of people, huh? Jews have been in the vanguard of the attack upon the WASP power structure

- Being successful in spheres once completely dominated by WASPS, and ending practices of religious discrimination and civil rights abuses isn't in any way an "attack," unless, of course, people have the right to do such things. They don't.

creating a climate where "white racism" is the only thing paid attention to, when "Jewish racism" is arguably greater.

-Bullshit. You've never been able to justify any claim to pervasive "Jewish racism," and Gentile discrimination WAS stronger, simply because there's lots more gentiles. Jews didn't make laws forbidding blacks the vote, etc. Minorities need to be protected against majorities, not the other way around, your conspiracy paranoia regardless.

YOU SAY: Your continued support for the concept of "collective shame" reflects your lack of understanding of this concept.

RESPONSE: Stop dissimulating. Read your nearest Jewish journal and tell me about the lack of "collective" anything. Jews are plenty ashamed, for a hell of a lot, and it's not my original idea. Sorry.

- Whosever idea it is, it's mistaken. In this world, individual responsibility reigns, and that's the way it is. You alone are responsible for being the evil dickhead you are, not your family or religion or race.

RESPONSE: True, it's a racist hellhole.


And all the American Jews who have been bending billions of dollars of American taxpayers' money to the Land of Jewish Supremacy have been BILKED by guys like you BIG TIME!

- Bullshit again. It's the Israelis that are talking peace and Palestinian statehood, and Arab organizations that want to derail it. If you want to see REAL racism, you can check out the states I mentioned above, where they forbid people from practicing the religion of their choice and kill homosexuals by dropping walls on them.

RESPONSE: The Jewish Collective (yes, including YOU!) is responsible for bilking U.S. taxpayers out of many tens of billions of dollars. Not Saudi Arabia. Not Libya. Certainly not Palestine. And Hollywood is definitely part of this propaganda factory and Israel cash cow. You're a fraudster of the first order. Shame!

- All of the states above have the worst human rights records on Earth, and completely exclusionary, racist, homophobic, sexist policies. That fact you're supporting them belies any putative anti-racism on your part. Those tens of billions you're complaining about provide many, many more dollars in jobs for and contracts for American corporations which are almost overwhelmingly non-Jewish. Name any defense contractor run by a Jew.









Re(9): (Continued)
Posted on June 23, 2003 at 09:23:53 PM by mg

YOU SAY: The truth is you couldn't care less about the Palestinians, they're just a propaganda tool for you to use to attack Jews.

RESPONS: Your statement here is typical: a slur with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BACK IT UP. To make the smear is, in your mind, equivilant to fact.

YOU SAY: It has every right to keep tabs on discriminatory antisemitic activities as a private institution.

RESPONSE: Then, in the same way, we need some "anti-discriminatory" organizations that keep their eyes on Jews. The ADL runs on about $50 million a year. The Jewish fraud camp would be on the run with a fraction of that investigating them.

YOU SAY: It has no "policing" functions, as it can't enforce any criminal penalties.

RESPONSE: It has wiggled in bed with the FBI and has falsely promoted itself as an "anti-hate" organization. Examine the San Francisco ADL scandal, and tell me about its lack of "policing." Their policing has included discovered dossiers about fellow JEWS (Woody Allen, et al).

YOU SAY: If it overstepped its bounds, then, as I said, it should and will be held responsible.

RESPONSE: Wow! An insightful statement. And even ethical. Perhaps you were drunk when you wrote it?

YOU SAY: They can't BAN anything, and censorship is a denial of legal rights.

RESPONSE: Toxifying freedom of speech about certain issues (say, Jewish power) is a form of censorship. It is sneaky, subterranean. But the effect is the same.

YOU SAY: Their hate filter is designed to protect children from vile, hateful material at the express request of parents and schools. Show me one instance of any legitimate news outlet that's ever had their material "banned" by the ADL's web filter.

RESPONSE: Check out PEACE FIRE and the kinds of organizations that have found themselves by the likes of the ADL and its business henchmen.

YOU SAY: Let's see some double-blind research evidence that indicates this true, then people will believe it's not just your hateful, ignorant stereotype. When you can prove it - which you certainly can't - people will buy your argument.

RESPONSE: Anyone interested can find the revelant documentation in the two chapters starting here (there's ton of it: way, way too much to post here):

YOU SAY: Show some statistically-validated research indicating that such results are at variance with the population distributions of the many, many non-Jewish businessman whom are convicted of tax fraud. You'll never show any correlation there: if you could, you would have posted it on your site already.

RESPONSE: Who do you think you are, God? I'm not going to repost every shred of evidence special for you. All the information relevant to this point will be found at Jewish Tribal Review, and at WHEN VICTIMS RULE. A CRITIQUE OF JEWISH PREEMINENCE IN AMERICA.

Thanks for the adverisement.

YOU SAY: This is yet another example of your ridiculous analogies: A ZOO CAGE IS NOT SELECTED FOR DIVERSITY!


YOU SAY: One thing you'll never be able to compete with me over is command of the English language. I'm a newspaper editor and script doctor by profession, and I guarantee that my SAT verbals were higher than yours, particularly noting the poor writing and editing appearing on your site.

RESPONSE: My God, what an arrogant turkey! You EXEMPLIFY the neurotic Jewish maniac who thinks a Jewish brain is God's gift to mankind and that "editing" is the key to knowledge. Look at yourself: sitting there typing "I'm smarter that you!" Do you edit an elementary school poetry journal? Hey! My notebook is longer than yours!

YOU SAY: I'm a Upstate New York born and bred, 34 year old former National Merit Scholar. It's a mistake for you to go down this road.

RESPONSE: What an asshole. You are SO VERY, VERY STUPID that you don't realize that the "road" YOU are walking plays into virtually all stereotypes about the pompous Jew. Your obsession with your superiority is THE PROBLEM I HAVE BEEN REGULARLY ILLUSTRATING AT THIS FORUM. You're Jewish. You're obsessed with it. You work in Hollywood. You think Jews are better than everyone else. You think that YOU are better than everyone else. Climb off your wire pedestal and look at yourself in the mirror. What you see ain't gonna be pretty. (Sorry for the slang).

YOU SAY: Demanding definitions concerning the topic at hand is NOT obfuscating, it's the essence of rational analysis -

RESPONSE: Oh, yah? Define "topic." Define "obfuscating." Define "analysis." Define "define." I'll always turn your obfuscation back on you. You can't win, Levine.


YOU SAY: something you are little concerned with judging by your tendency to jump right into discussions about topics, like commercial banking, you clearly know nothing about.

RESPONSE: OK. Since you've got a trunk full of $1,000 bills hidden under your bed, and you stare at each one individually each night, I guess you know about the subject of money and culture than I do.

YOU SAY: And given your career in antisemitic propagandizing, you shouldn't be complaining about anyone else "smearing."

RESPONSE: I post facts. Meticulously. You post nothing: just smears and wild accusations. I trust the moral, rational reader will evaluate our discussions and come to the right conclusions about all this. LET THEM HEAR ALL POINTS OF VIEW. When that happens, fraudsters like you haven't got a chance. As long as you can intimidate and defame your ideological nemesis, it's the ONLY way you can hope to gain the higher ground.

YOU SAY: No, I'm using logical analysis to demonstrate the intellectual bankruptcy of your hate-filled rabble- rousing. You don't like this line of inquiry because making emotional appeals to prejudice is all you're capable of, which is why you keep falling back on it whenever it's demonstrated your attempts at arguments are fallacious.

RESPONSE: I don't make "emotional" appeals. I post facts. Your hysterical screaming that I'm a "fascist," "Nazi," "supporter of mob violence," etc. exemplify what you condemn.

YOU SAY: You know exactly what you meant, you crypto-facist scumbag.

RESPONSE: You are such a pompous, self-congratulatory, obsessive, totalitarian weird-oh that you don't grasp how you COMPLETELY bankrupt your entire posture becomes with such a concluding fantasy.

Now, oh, genius wonder boy! Take a deep breath and try and THINK about what you've written. (Yes, it will probably hurt. New muscle groups being used.)









Re(10): (Continued)
Posted on June 24, 2003 at 00:56:10 AM by Anonymous

RESPONSE: Then, in the same way, we need some "anti-discriminatory" organizations that keep their eyes on Jews. The ADL runs on about $50 million a year. The Jewish fraud camp would be on the run with a fraction of that investigating them.

- No problem there, if you can find anyone being discriminated against for not being Jewish. You've never been able to identify anyone. Period. Not one single name. Ever.

YOU SAY: It has no "policing" functions, as it can't enforce any criminal penalties.

RESPONSE: It has wiggled in bed with the FBI and has falsely promoted itself as an "anti-hate" organization.

- It is certainly an anti-hate organization. YOU falsely promote yourself as an anti-hate organization.

Examine the San Francisco ADL scandal, and tell me about its lack of "policing." Their policing has included discovered dossiers about fellow JEWS (Woody Allen, et al).

- When you can point out whom they arrested, convicted, and imprisoned, then you have an argument about policing. Until then you don't.

YOU SAY: They can't BAN anything, and censorship is a denial of legal rights.

RESPONSE: Toxifying freedom of speech about certain issues (say, Jewish power) is a form of censorship. It is sneaky, subterranean. But the effect is the same.

- Bullshit. Censorship is about a denial of rights. Period. Using your freedom of speech to controvert others' bigotry isn't censorship. It's using freedom of speech. You have the right to say what you like; I have the right to say what I like. And no one gets arrested simply for what they say.

YOU SAY: Their hate filter is designed to protect children from vile, hateful material at the express request of parents and schools. Show me one instance of any legitimate news outlet that's ever had their material "banned" by the ADL's web filter.

RESPONSE: Check out PEACE FIRE and the kinds of organizations that have found themselves by the likes of the ADL and its business henchmen.

- I checked out Peace Fire and it doesn't mention the ADL on the site anywhere; in fact, one of the human rights organizations blocked by Cyberpatrol it complains of is the Israeli chapter of Amnesty International, which only reports on human rights abuses occuring OUTSIDE Israel and the occupied territories.

YOU SAY: Let's see some double-blind research evidence that indicates this true, then people will believe it's not just your hateful, ignorant stereotype. When you can prove it - which you certainly can't - people will buy your argument.

RESPONSE: Anyone interested can find the revelant documentation in the two chapters starting here (there's ton of it: way, way too much to post here):

- The relevant documentation from your site in no way includes double-blind statistically-validated research establishing your bigoted stereotypes referenced above- it's all anecdotal clips designed to try and negatively reflect on all Jews.

YOU SAY: Show some statistically-validated research indicating that such results are at variance with the population distributions of the many, many non-Jewish businessman whom are convicted of tax fraud. You'll never show any correlation there: if you could, you would have posted it on your site already.

RESPONSE: Who do you think you are, God? I'm not going to repost every shred of evidence special for you. All the information relevant to this point will be found at Jewish Tribal Review, and at WHEN VICTIMS RULE. A CRITIQUE OF JEWISH PREEMINENCE IN AMERICA.

- Nowhere in the book do you present any statistically validated evidence demonstrating that Jews are any more likely to commit tax fraud per capita than non-Jews. Nor is there any, otherwise you surely would have posted it.

YOU SAY: This is yet another example of your ridiculous analogies: A ZOO CAGE IS NOT SELECTED FOR DIVERSITY!


- No, genius - the point is that a zoo is an inappropriate comparison because it has no compelling reason to provide a "balanced" zoological proportioning of animals. It just gets all the animals it can, and people see what's available. If there were a million hyenas and only two sheep, it still wouldn't mean that anyone unfairly manipulated the zoo system to their advantage, or that rights weren't being maintained, or that sheep were being unfairly treated. It would mean that what they had available to exhibit in the zoo was a bunch of hyenas and a few sheep. That would support my point, not undermine it.

YOU SAY: I'm a Upstate New York born and bred, 34 year old former National Merit Scholar. It's a mistake for you to go down this road.

RESPONSE: What an asshole. You are SO VERY, VERY STUPID that you don't realize that the "road" YOU are walking plays into virtually all stereotypes about the pompous Jew. Your obsession with your superiority is THE PROBLEM I HAVE BEEN REGULARLY ILLUSTRATING AT THIS FORUM.

No, asshole, it means that if you don't like it, don't post things like: "Hmmm. I was wondering about YOUR command of the English language. Is your FIRST language Hebrew? Or Yiddish?"

You're the one who had to make it a personal attack. Of course, I'll defend myself. I have the credentials to do so, and will.

You're Jewish. You're obsessed with it. You work in Hollywood. You think Jews are better than everyone else.

- I've never said this, and I never would: I've said numerous times that I DON'T believe Jews are "better" than anyone else - in fact, the concept that you can objectively state that one sociological group of people is "better" than another is ridiculous.

You think that YOU are better than everyone else.

- Being better than you doesn't make me better than everyone else: it doesn't even make me better than anyone else. Your bigoted belief is that all Jews consider themselves better than everyone else so you have to try to stuff me into it too, regardless of whether or not it fits. Please show us where I've ever said Jews are better than everyone else.

YOU SAY: Demanding definitions concerning the topic at hand is NOT obfuscating, it's the essence of rational analysis -

RESPONSE: Oh, yah? Define "topic." Define "obfuscating." Define "analysis." Define "define." I'll always turn your obfuscation back on you. You can't win, Levine.

- Arguing the appropriate definition of "democracy" in a discussion of democracy is hardly obfuscation. Obfuscation is trying to make the word mean, as you do, what the Constitution says it does not.


- And how the question of "democracy" relates to it, which is dependent on the definition of democracy given by the Framers in the Constitution. That's what defines democracy in this country, not your crackpot horseshit.

YOU SAY: something you are little concerned with judging by your tendency to jump right into discussions about topics, like commercial banking, you clearly know nothing about.

RESPONSE: OK. Since you've got a trunk full of $1,000 bills hidden under your bed, and you stare at each one individually each night, I guess you know about the subject of money and culture than I do.

- At the very least, I know the definition of a commercial bank, as you demonstrated you didn't during a conversation about commercial banking, and I also know to say "I don't know," when I don't know something, which you also don't.

I trust the moral, rational reader will evaluate our discussions and come to the right conclusions about all this.

- They have: that you're an idiot.


- No one's stopping you from talking.

RESPONSE: I don't make "emotional" appeals. I post facts.

- Crap like "THE JEWS ARE A RACIST BAND OF CORRUPTERS THAT ARE GOING TO LEAD US ALL TO THE APOCALYPSE!" and "Jews are hustlers!" are not facts, they're a bunch of irrational, hateful rhetoric, typical of you, your site, and your likeminded bigots. Luckily, the founding fathers, like everyone else, were smarter than you.









Re(7): more
Posted on June 22, 2003 at 00:18:08 AM by mg

YOU SAY: Sorry, I think of the rest of the 99% of the Mafia which is non-Jewish.

RESPONSE: Hmmm. Meyer Lansky ruled the Syndicate. Ever heard of Arnold Rothstein, the king of underworld criminal organization? And Murder Inc. wasn't Italian. Who do you think ran it? The "Russian" mafia ain't "Russian." And, hey. Let me trumpet: Bigot! Bigot! If you don't accept Jewish responsibility for Jewish crime, then you're slandering some other ethnicity.

YOU SAY: Bullshit. It's HAMAS that walked out of the talks for Palestinian statehood, and went and pulled off more murders and suicide bombings, just to attempt to derail the peace process, not the Israelis.

RESPONSE: Hamas was nurtured to power by the Israelis, who thought they would negate the PLO. But alas. Jewish exploitation and manipulation blew up in their faces and they created an organization that sought to counter Israeli violence with its own. When Jews slaughtered Arabs, they decided to balance the scales. It ain't pretty, but it's all part of the Israeli scheme of things.









Re(8): more
Posted on June 22, 2003 at 08:53:39 PM by Mitchell Levine

Sorry, but the Mafia proper is run by six families with names like Gambino, Tartaglia, Luchese, Gravano, and so forth. The vast majority of organized crime is run by non-Jews, and even the Russian mob isn't exclusively Jewish, as a quick trip to Brighton Beach and Little Odessa will confirm.

There is no "Jewish responsibility" for "Jewish crime," any more than there is Italian responsibility for Italian crime, Black responsibility for Black crime, and so on. Crime is the responsiblility of those whom perpetrate it. End of story. I'm not trying to "smear" any other ethnicity, only countervail your smear against Jews for being somehow "collectively responsible" for crime - a completely bullshit notion in the first place.

The idea that the Israeli government wants terrorist groups to blow up their own citizens would be laughable, if it weren't so obscene. If Hamas were part of a long range plan by the Likud to avoid granting Palestinian statehood, they would have already seized the moment to walk away from the bargaining table. They haven't.







Re(5): Do Your Resear
Posted on June 21, 2003 at 10:24:23 PM by Mitchell Levine

RESPONSE: Posting addresses and phone numbers is a call to incitement. As you know. You are a bigot, a true "hater," a censorial kook, and a thug.

- Come on, Stu - there's no true call to incitement or intimidation here. Only a complete idiot would actually post their real name and phone number as the administrative contact for an inane, despicable hate site in an open directory like the Whois database - Oh... wait a minute!... I see your point! Sorry about that! It WAS inconsiderate.

RESPONSE: YOU don't have any "logical" objections. Their points are demonstrable as facts. Your essence is bitch, moan, and try to intimidate.

- If my arguments were not logical, and their points were actually demonstrable as facts, then those arguments could be refuted, and would require no further discussion. The fact that they can't reply to them belies that interpretation. Presenting someone with arguments they can't refute is not intimidation.

RESPONSE: The usual smokescreen. You don't actually SAY anything here, except to nitpick over vague semantics of "truth."

-Yes, semantics of truth could have no bearing over an argument about what's true! Tell that to Socrates, moron!

RESPONSE: You wouldn't know "truth" if it was sitting on your head and you were staring in a mirror.

- Yes, Harvey, we all know that "the devil is ye father, and as he is the father of all lies, lies are your natural language!"

YOU SAY: Harvard University is a private institution that must admit students on an Equal Opportunity basis. No one, however, has to let their business be run by anyone but whom they feel is most qualified to do so successfully.

RESPONSE: More Jewish fraud. Jews have been agitating everywhere about "discrimination," even as they run popular culture. There are entire books written by Jews about "discrimination" against Jews in the corporate world (check out Slavin, for example). Jews want control and influence at all desks, in all forums of power.

- As does everyone else, fool. It's a universal human desire, otherwise you wouldn't have people everywhere doing it since the beginning of Earth and society.

You YOURSELF at any earlier post complained about "discrimination" against Jews in the corporate world. Your arguments shift, chameleon-like: whatever it takes to get the Collective Jewish Toe up the Next Power Rung, no?

- No, you idiot, the point is that the fact that you run a business and are Jewish instead of non-Jewish, doesn't establish that you've discriminated against anyone non-Jewish by owning and operating the business.

It would be discrimination if you refused to hire unskilled non-Jews on an equal basis, or denied equally qualified candidates on the basis of there not being Jewish. To demonstrate the latter, it needs to be shown that their exist equally qualified non-Jewish candidates to be excluded. As Cones admits, he has no evidence that the studios hire discriminatorily, only that there's a lot of Jewish executives. There's also no evidence that studios have ever discriminated against any qualified non-Jewish executives. In fact, neither Jaeger or Cones can come up with a name of anyone who's ever been discriminated against by the studios at all.

There were plenty of qualified Jewish candidates for positions in commercial banking; the reason they weren't hired is that those in power were openly discriminatory.

Henry Ford's "discrimination" against Jews is discussed by Jews to THIS DAY (there was even an entire book about Ford's "antisemitism", published in the last couple of years.

-Yes, the obviously unfair accusations concerning Henry Ford's "antisemitism" are only based on his reprinting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, lobbying to have Jewish immigrants denied entry to the nation, publishing an explicitly antisemitic newspaper, decrying "Jewish Jazz - Moron Music!," and, last but not least, directly financing Hitler and the Nazis, the former of which had a portrait of him hanging up in his office. You're right! How could anyone possibly conclude he was antisemitic??? It's completely unreasonable anyone would ever want to read a book about this.