Contact: John Cones 310/477-6842
Los Angeles--Film Industry Reform Movement (FIRM) announced Saturday, April 25, 1998 the creation of a World Wide Web site dedicated to discussion of film industry reform issues. A Mission Statement posted at the site (located at indicates the group hopes to work toward encouraging more thoughtful, critical and analytical research regarding the nature of feature film and its impact on individuals and society, while striving for more diversity in the ownership and control of the means of film production, distribution and exhibition. The Mission Statement also says the organization is dedicated to the proposition that the motion picture is a significant medium for the communication of ideas, and therefore, has great potential for influencing human thinking and behavior.
The site provides a number of book excerpts, monographs, articles, speeches, and an extensive bibliography of materials relating to the film industry and film industry reform. There is an on-line, interactive Discussion Forum where visitors can post their views and ask questions about the topic of film industry reform. The FIRM site also invites others to submit additional bibliographic information as well as suggest areas for research and head-up (research) projects. Links to related sites and important litigation are also provided.
Questions about the site or the FIRM organization may be directed to John Cones at